News Item: Server change - Uploads disabled temporarily
(Category: News)
Posted by sleepy
Saturday 24 May 2008 - 07:30:50

For the curious out there, the site outage last week was due to an unforeseen server change that had to take place and was out of my control. We are now hosted on what should be a more stable (and hopefully faster) server. I have migrated all of the downloads, forum posts, etc. over to the new server now (with the exception of anything that was posted in the last day or two before the outage).

These changes are always a lengthy process and I haven't been able to take care of uploads yet. So, for the next few days (or until I find some free time to take care of it), uploads will be disabled. Additionally, all pending uploads have not been restored to the server yet, so any Frequent Contributors will be unable to access those temporarily. It also is very likely that some of the more recent uploads will have been lost permanently in the process. I hope the contributors of those docs will be able to re-upload the lost docs. When uploads are available again I will post more information about the lost docs.

Otherwise, everything seems to be working correctly, but as always, let me know if anything is broken or if there are any questions.

This news item is from replacementdocs
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